With God all things are possible. Our call is to listen to the Angels of our better nature. Angels who gently inspire us to be better, to help others, to reflect the goodness we were born with

The Goal

The Way, The Truth & The Life

  • In Life’s Journey, the goal is simple. Love our neighbor for the love of God.

  • “When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your giving may be in secret”

    Matthew 6:3

  • A Gift to the Foundation is a pure act of faith. A manifestation of God’s plan for you.

    Become an Angels Donor and spread the need for compassion and action in every county.

    We believe God will look on your gift to the Foundation as a true expression of Love for Him.

A Beautiful Example of The Foundations Mission

A very wealthy man had one son. In the fall prior to the start of a new school year his wife mentioned that she and their son were going to town to buy a new jacket for the upcom-ing year.

The man asked if there was a problem with the coat worn the previous year … had the boy outgrown it; was there a tear; was it stained?

The boy answered no … he just wanted a new jacket he had seen and liked.

The man asked his son to get the jacket. When he returned, he asked him to put it on.

The boy did.

The father looked at him and said … we will not be buying a new jacket. This one looks fine.

Son, the reason we are not buying a new jacket has nothing to do with whether we can afford it or not. We can. However, that’s not the point. We can afford a great many things. The fact that we can, doesn’t mean we should.


You are our son. We care about how you will handle the challenges that money will bring. .

Always spend money for good reason. Never forget, the world is full of people in need. Be kind and caring to others and do so because it will make your life worthwhile.

Son you have an obligation and responsibility to use what you have to make yourself a better person and, your mother and I hope, to help other people less fortunate.

Your grandfather taught me something I want you to consider. He said: “There are two words - Selfishness and Selflessness - they both start with self but have vastly different meanings. It is self, yourself, that determines which one you will be.”

It's not how much money you have that determines your success in life, it's what you decide to do with it that measures your true worth.

Wealth carries a tremendous burden. No, we don’t worry about our next meal, but this life is short. Always remember someday each of us will come before God and be judged.

You must be a disciplined person who loves God more than pleasure or you will fail the ultimate determination of your worth that comes to everyone at death.

Some day you will have a fortune available to you.

Many in your position of having money but not earning it, live lives of ruin, lives of sin … most are spoiled, selfish and care for nothing but their own satisfaction. Sadly, they think themselves better than others, they think themselves special, blessed, important and in no need of God or