Angel Donor Gifts Making a Difference in the Lives of the Poor, Suffering, and those who Quietly Pray for Help.

An Unfortunate Accident

Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours. Help me see with your eyes, serve with your hands, hear with your understanding, and speak with your meaning.

Give Me the Grace to Love Others as You Love Me.

A man works two jobs to provide for his loved ones. His father passed 2-weeks earlier and what little money he had was used for expenses.

While on his second job - self-employed lawn mowing business - a passing car dislodged a rock from the road striking the man in the eye. Emergency surgery was needed. It was expensive. He had no insurance.

The man secured a bank loan on his only possession with equity and the family’s only form of transportation- his truck. During recovery he was unable to work. Payment on the bank loan came due.

Angels contacted the bank manager and paid the payment. The manager notified the man the payment had been made by an anonymous stranger.

The only request was that the man offer a prayer of thanks- giving to God.

An unexpected & unpayable expense paid by an anonymous gift of love … imagine the man’s joy, relief, and gratitude to God.

A Selfless Act of Love

A loving couple holds several rehabilitation outreach events for mentally & physically challenged children and adults. The annual outings feature games, horse rides, hayrides, face-painting, & other fun activities & entertainment. It culminates with a BBQ.

The most recent event attendance was over a thousand.

A rancher offered a gift of a steer for the BBQ. Angels was asked to help in paying for meat processing. Working in concert with another charity and an individual’s gift - the processing cost were paid.

The Real Story of Love

Two weeks prior to the fall outing, the husband who sponsors the events with his wife was in a serious accident.

He conveyed to his wife that regardless of his injuries - the event needed to go on as planned … children and their caregivers were looking forward to having a release from their day in / day out burdens, challenges, & limitations.

The event was held as planned. The morning of the event the man died from his injuries.

There is no doubt Angels hearts were filled with joy taking the man to our Heavenly Father and to his Eternal Reward in Paradise. Consider the Courage, Grace, and Faith the man’s family displayed in honoring his final selfless request. True Love for Others with hearts breaking in sadness.

Lord provide me the courage, grace, and faith to serve you with the Love you have shown me.

Help Me Carry the Cross of Others as You Did for Me.

Life’s Indiscriminate Yoke of Suffering

After a 5-year battle, a single mother lost her sight to a progressive eye disease. The woman has twin teenage children - one is handicapped. The healthy daughter has taken over responsibilities well beyond her years. She is bravely rising to daily challenges.

The family’s only car was in the repair shop in need of maintenance. The vehicle is critical for the woman’s and handicapped child’s care. Cost was beyond the family’s financial ability to pay.

Angels contacted the shop owner and through the generosity of donor support paid for the repairs. The shop owner was told to inform the family that a stranger had Paid for the Repairs and asked only that a prayer be offered to God in thanksgiving.

The gift was a wonderfully unexpected answer to prayers and provided Hope to a family in need of Understanding, Love, and Compassionate Aid.

Lord, Help Me give of the talents and treasures you have blessed me with. Help me recognize those in need of my attention and provide for those who feel Forgotten, Unloved and Hopeless.

With God All Things Are Possible.

“On-the-Spot” Grants

Through Angel Donors Generosity - Foundation Board Members are given pre-paid debit cards to provide immediate assistance to individuals in need.

The cards have been used to help an elderly man at checkout to buy groceries that were being put back due to an inability to pay; at a gas station when a disabled women needed gas for her vehicle; for an unmarried 16-year-old mother needing help with the basics of new-born care; for a grandmother who works 2 jobs, volunteers at charity distribution center and is raising her grandchildren; a family when their only wage earner was unable to work for an extended period due to a serious injury; for parents buying school clothes at a thrift store for their children.

The gifts are small and provided anonymously. It doesn’t take much to help someone in need. the impact is a Priceless Gift of Hope to a Neighbor offered to God for His limitless Love for each one of us.

Since the time of the Pharaohs, we’ve been told -

“You Can’t Take It with You.”

They Were Wrong !

Every Selfless Act, Every Kind Word, Every Compassionate Gift, Every Loving Act proceeds us to our Final Judgement & Eternal Reward.

An Eternity Determined by our Acts of Love, Compassion & Mercy.

“Blessed are the Merciful for they will be shown Mercy.”

(Matthew 5: 7)

Please Consider Giving a $50.00 Gift Card of Charity & Hope to a Neighbor in Need.

Gift Card Front

Inside Gift Card Message

Gift Card Back

Give for the Love of Neighbor, Do so for the Love of God.

Gift Cards are distributed by the Foundation to the service provider or to recognized charities to aid neighbors in verified need of financial assistance.