You are here for a reason. God’s calling is undeniable.

His Son has shown the way.

Follow Him.

Take up another’s burden for the Love of Jesus

About Us

The Way, The Truth & The Life

  • In Life’s Journey, the goal is simple. It’s to prove worthy to be called a Follower of Jesus Christ

  • “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me in” (35)

    “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (40)

    Matthew 25: 35 & 40

  • Angels of Charity & Hope encourages those fortunate to have discretionary resources to transform thoughts and prayers into meaningful acts of kindness.

    The Mission is Local; The Need is Immediate; The Help is Essential.

    The Foundation is a Home Mission. It’s focus is the neighbor next door in desperate need of help.

    Increasingly, it’s not just the chronic poor who need assistance.

    Only 50% of US families have a “Rainy Day” emergence fund; 28% have no savings pad; only 18% could tolerate 6-month gap without income.

    Nominations are made and grants distributed through recognized religious organizations, community services and safety programs, police and fire departments and individual knowledge of someone in need.

    Foundation gifts are provided to recipients in secret through third party delivery.

    The Foundation does not seek or want recognition … neither do our donors.

    We do this for one purpose … The Love of God.

A Beautiful Example of The Foundations Mission

Two women were aware of a financially struggling family.

They decided to act, to make a difference during Christmas.

They did this act of compassion on their own volition - no one, no organization prompted them to act.

They provided gifts for each member, and late on Christmas Eve secretly delivered the gifts to the parents.

Family requests were simple: one child wanted a toothbrush; one wanted a towel; one wanted a pillow … children considering necessities as a desired Christmas gift.

A need so profound it is hard for most to understand … to comprehend.

The women provided more than what was asked by adding luxuries like a toy, clothing, and a doll.

What they really provided was hope, love and compassion … what the family received was the knowledge that they are valued … that God working through the act of a stranger, cares about them.

“It is not lengthy prayers, but generous deeds that touches God’s Heart”

Saint Arnold Janssen

Poor Famly's Christmas