Frequently Asked Questions

What is the history of Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation?

You have landed on the ground floor of a start-up charity. It was founded March 16, 2022, by four women moved by the love of God to help the neighborhood poor.

There are many charities that aid the poor worldwide. However, there exists a neglected segment in every neighborhood’s alley ways, overpasses, trailer parks and low wage employed positions that need unrequested love, care, and compassion.

These are people who normally don’t ask for help but find themselves in desperate need.

Placing ourselves in a person’s situation is the call; relieving the burden is our mission.  

The Foundation provides anonymous financial grants to those struggling with an unexpected expense.  We joyfully take up another’s cross, anxiety, suffering and stress.  

We do so to help a neighbor in need and because we want to earn God’s pleasure by following the path provided by Jesus Christ.

We are anonymous, so are our donors. We seek no recognition, and all gifts are provided to the poor by organizations or others not associated with the Foundation.

By 2025, The Foundation’s goal is to establish a chapter in every county.


What is the Foundation’s Purpose?

There are two interrelated and complimentary purposes.

The Foundation provides anonymous financial grants to poor neighbors in time of unexpected hardship and desperate need.  We do this for the sole purpose of expressing our love for God, in thanksgiving for forgiveness of our sins, and redemption of our souls.

The second mission is to encourage the financially successful to actively engage in compassionate love of neighbor for the love of God. Jesus is direct in His teachings that wealth, worldly passions, extravagant possessions, are a burden, a hindrance to achieving eternal reward ...”You cannot serve God and money” (Luke 16: 13).  “For whomever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48)

This does not mean having wealth is bad or people who have an abundance of money are doomed. The thought is laughable.

It’s not the money, it’s what one does with it.

There would be much less charity without wealthy people’s generosity.

God loves every person. We pray for all, poor and rich, to find consolation in God’s limitless mercy and love.  Each person is called to live a life worthy of being a child of God.    


How do I know Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation is legitimate?

The Internal Revenue Service and Texas Comptroller have designated the Foundation a 501(c)(3) Charity making donations tax deductible.

The Foundation has no compensated positions. It is all volunteer. Overhead costs are minimal, necessary, limited, and for outside professional services: accounting, reporting, insurance, legal, communication, banking & processing fees.

The Foundation view is simple and maybe most comforting to those who consider donating ... all donations are gifts to God. It is a responsibility and obligation we owe our Savior to use all gifts for the benefit of the poor.

Eternal happiness cannot be purchased but it can be lost through deceit and theft.  We look long term and seek others with a similar character to join us.

Maybe I Have “Compassion Fatigue”, but it seems like a charitable organization is always asking for donations. I have two questions: 1) How is Angels of Charity & Hope different from other charities? 2) Aren’t the poor responsible for the condition they’re in?

We understand. Your questions have merit.

The United States people are the most generous in the world. We spend billions of taxpayer dollars every year to help the poor worldwide. We ask for nothing in return. No other nation exports more food, medicine, and comfort overseas.

The answer to your first question relates to the area above. There is a need in every local U.S. neighborhood to help families that struggle every day to feed, clothe & house themselves. A need unmet by our government.

The Foundation’s focus is home based. The U.S. Standard of living is one of the best, but that fact does not mean that those at, or close to, the poverty level live in comfort. The fact is they endure life, not enjoy it.

Social programs don’t cover immediate need financial assistance and that’s where the Angels charity functions. In addition, we provide the aid anonymously.

We’re a Christian based operation and seek no recognition for our work. We do so for one reason - Love of Neighbor for the Love of God.

So, the bottom-line answer to Question 1 - we’re different by intent and design. We’re all volunteer - no compensated positions and we do our work to thank God for His love of us.

Question 2: You’re correct some of the people we help are in the condition due to poor decision making.

The vast majority have had an unfortunate life experience … they are disabled, they got old, they are sick, they got in a troubled relationship, they had a spouse die … the list is endless.

To answer Question 2 - the reason they are in the situation, the how and why they need help, is not as important as the fact they do. The Call is to have empathy; The Mission is to provide relief.

Our goal is twofold - provide financial grants to someone in immediate need of assistance, and second, to help those who have discretionary resources see how God is calling them to serve others and to do so in secret without need for recognition.

Imagine the joy a struggling family feels when an anonymous stranger covers the cost for a car repair or medical bill they had no way of paying. Having a burden lifted off their shoulders provides them the opportunity to thank God for the blessing received. Just as important, It provides our donors with a closer relationship with their Creator.

When you go out of your way to help someone you do not know and do so knowing you will never receive thanks, your selfless act brings the love and compassion of Jesus to those you help and brings you into a relationship that God intended for you to have with Him.

I understand from looking over the website your mission is “Love of Neighbor for the Love of God”. The site indicates that you accomplish this by relieving a financial burden on the poor. Isn’t it really about making money?

No. Importantly, the Foundation doesn’t accomplish “Love of Neighbor for the Love of God - Angel Donors do.

When Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandment ….Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40

The Foundation mission is simple - follow our Savior’s teaching. The Foundation’s role is to allow people to make the decision to accept God’s desire for redemption, the salvation of our souls, by offering compassionate aid to strangers in need.

There are no compensated positions. All donor gifts go to those in need and minimal Foundation required expenses. The goal is 98% of donations are used for Charity Distribution..

 How do I know the gift I provide is for a worthy cause and will be used for good purposes?

The Foundation works in concert with established religious and social organizations to target gifts to the truly needy based on a specific requirement.

Grants are in two forms – direct payment to a service provider; or pre-paid debit card based on verified need from the nominating source.

Unfortunately, in today’s secular society, we acknowledge that there are those who seek to take advantage of others generosity.

The Foundations view is a simple one. We believe God will reward the gift giver for the act of compassion and love; He will judge the beneficiary, who receives the gift on how it is used. 


What denomination / church affiliate does Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation represent?

Christian. All working on the Mission do so as a volunteer and no one is asked what specific church they attend. We figure, good people are good people.

When being questioned about whether He was a devil for having command to cast out demons … Jesus replied … “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25)

Even though Jesus’s remarks were to combat a specific false charge leveled by the jealous Pharisees, it is also relevant for all who worship, love, honor and adore our Lord and Savior.

The Foundation is Christ based. Our Goal is to Love our Neighbor for the Love of God.

There are several wonderful charity organizations that use Angels of Charity or Angels of Hope. Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation is not affiliated with any other organization or specific church. We and our Donors are Anonymous by intent and design. We seek no recognition. We do our work only for the Love of God and Love of our Neighbors - His children ... our brothers and sisters.

Why should I give to the Foundation as opposed to giving to someone in need personally?

We believe that however you give to those in need is good and the correct path of redemption and salvation.

The Foundation’s hope is that together we can have a greater impact on a growing and necessary need for acts of charity and compassion.

We believe that acting anonymously and asking only for a small prayer of gratitude to God for those receiving the gift presents added grace to both the giver and beneficiary.


Don’t churches provide financial aid to those in need?

Churches and religious organizations due wonderful and necessary ministry. Some have donations that exceed requirements and provide aid to the poor.

However, some of the most needy and marginalized do not belong or regularly attend organized services.

Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation Mission is to fill the need wherever found. The Foundation accepts request for aid from religious and social sources regardless of affiliation. 

It is our hope that the small act of charity - the gift - will ignite a spark of appreciation for God’s goodness in a person or family who has temporarily forgotten to love God through prayer, thanksgiving and worship.   

How does one apply for help and what is the application process?

There is no application process, no requirements, no paperwork. A person or family is nominated by a trusted source, church, religious organization, social group, first responders or individual. The Foundation accepts the request and either pays a service provider directly on the person’s behalf or forwards a pre-paid card to the nominating organization for distribution. Each nomination and acceptance is based solely on need and the Foundations ability to fund.

Will I be told how my donation helped a person in need?

No (but sort of). All donations are placed in a central distribution account. Due to that fact, your donation becomes part of a larger purpose. Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation is an anonymous charity. The charity’s gift distribution sources, the organizations the charity works through, will provide a need statement on how the gifts are to be used. The charity will send out periodic updates describing how important and necessary the work is to neighbors in need. Every donor can take pleasure in the gifts that help relieve the burden of the poor in their time of unexpected distress.



Why should I donate?

Love of God; Reparation for Sins; Salvation of Soul; Selflessness.

You are aware that the devil is present and actively seeking your soul ... the spirit God entrusted to you for eternity.

Everyone has eternal life. The only question is the destination.

You have a choice.

Emulate Jesus by loving others ... The Way.

He sacrificed His life for you, your immortal soul, and because the Father desires all His children to spend eternity with Him in Paradise.

When we die each will be judged by our actions without equivocation, excuse,  allowance, rationalization, or justification. We will face ... The Truth.

There is no better evidence of worthiness than one who carries a stranger’s cross when they silently pray to God for help ... The Life.

Give for the Love of Neighbor, Do so for the Love of God.

If I donate to the Angels Foundation, will my donation go to my local community?

Donations to Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation support the entire mission. The goal is to have Angel Wings Project operation in every county. However, we cannot earmark funds for a specific person, city or county.


How do I obtain tax deduction form for my donation?

Every gift received will be acknowledge with tax deduction certificate through the contact information provided.


How can I donate?

The Foundation accepts checks, credit cards or bank transfers. Donors may select from the donation menu different options for giving. See Donation Options 

Can I donate in honor, memorial, or tribute to someone?

Yes. What a beautiful gift. Daily prayers of appreciation are offered to you and the person you designate. See Tribute & Honor donation platform …


How can I help the Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation Mission in my county?

Find out how to become an Angel Wings Project Member

In what counties does the Foundation provide grants?

Angels of Charity & Hope is available anywhere in the state (someday, we hope nationwide). In order to ensure the validity of financial aid request we accept nominations for assistance through designated chapter locations. In structuring the effort in this manner, we are able to direct gifts based on verified need. Chapter members are grassroot arms of the foundation and are closest to where the aid is needed and best utilized.  

If there is a pressing need in your community and you are interested in starting a chapter apply

Does the money I donate go to neighbors who are US citizens?

We don’t know. Foundation gifts are anonymous. The Foundation receives request from trusted sources, and we do not require an applications, proof of citizenship or any form of identification. We ask only that the need is real, and immediate help is essential.

Does the Foundation plan on accepting corporate donations or sponsorship?

We’d love to have corporate sponsors. The more money we can get, the more needy people and families we can help. However, the anonymous construct of the Mission is foreign to corporations. Love of Neighbor for the Love of God is difficult for corporations with the task of making money. Understandably, if a company donates to a cause it wants recognition. .

The Mission is about earning the reward of eternal life.. As such, it doesn’t fit in the corporate wheelhouse. Any corporation wanting to prove us wrong - Please do so!