In our community there is a tremendous need. Will you help someone in need that you will never meet or know?

You will receive no recognition. The hope, the belief is that God seeing what you have done in secret will reward you because of your faith in Him, His Mission and your Fidelity to the Word of God.

Donor Section

The Way, The Truth & The Life

  • In Life’s Journey, the goal is simple. It’s to be called a disciple and faithful servant of Christ’s compassion and mercy.

  • What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

    James 2: 14-17

  • Providing hope to someone you do not know for the love of God is witness to your faith. Carrying another’s burden in time of their distress for the acknowledgment and appreciation of Jesus’s sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins is right and just … it is our obligation, our redemption, and our salvation

Donor Prayer

Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have provided me. My gift to you is my unconditional love and an anonymous gift to someone I do not know who is in need.

Please accept this offering as my humble acceptance and thanksgiving for your sacrifice for me a sinner.

Lord, let me never be separated from You.

Donor Pledge

Prior to Giving, please accept these conditions.

My contribution will remain anonymous to the gift receiver.

I will not discuss the contribution with anyone other than my immediate family.

We encourage you to recommend others consider joining the Mission. However in doing so, please leave your contribution out of the discussion.

Guardian Protector of the Poor

Disabled, Proud & Poor

Unwed Mother & Hopeful

Angels of Charity & Hope Foundation gifts are coordinated with religious organizations, first responders and trusted sources to ensure the need is real, it’s necessary, and will be of value to those receiving the gift. .

Our goal is to maximize the effectiveness of every donation received. We do so with care and appreciation of the importance each dollar means to the truly poor.

Your gift is an act of faith, trust, and love. The three reinforce one another. It involves mind and heart … prayer and action … Love of God and Love of Neighbor.

God’s grace and our response to it, is the essence of the “Living Faith” we are all called to embrace. Igniting the flame of hope that sends waves of God’s love to hearts waiting.

God’s goodness will magnify the work if we have the courage of belief … the courage of practicing the faith … the courage to Love our Neighbor for the Love of God.

A Beautiful Example of The Foundations Mission

The story is yet to be written. It depends on the generosity of people who believe that carrying a small cross for a person unknown to them is following the path of Jesus Christ.

We have all seen a person who is in need. We have hesitated to help because we are unsure. The questions we have are legitimate - is this a scam, will they use the money to feed their addiction, will they harm me and my family?

Our hope is that joining with others in a Mission to help a neighbor in a time of genuine distress finds traction in a secular world that values self-satisfaction, denies dependence on God and disregards basic values, principles and truths.

It comes down to 2 basic questions - Why Should I Care?; Why is it my Problem?

There’s a simple answer every Christian understands … Thank God Jesus didn’t ask those questions.